Saturday, November 10, 2007

Week 6, Thing #15: Perspectives on Web 2.0 Future of Libraries

Dr. Wendy Schultz's article, "To a Temporary Place in Time ... On the way to the library experience of the future," resonates with me. Her perspective touches me on numerous levels - intellectual, emotional, sensory - and from a variety of perspectives - bibliophile, technophile (my word?), human being.

I appreciate Dr. Schultz's keen ability to provide linkage and logical continuity to the ever-evolving world of libraries and information, from its most basic incarnation to the anticipated Library 4.0 world of "Augmented Reality" (AR). Her vision manages to incorporate the seemingly endless expansion and development of technological resources and capabilities with the continued, albeit always evolving, presence of the librarian as interpreter and facilitator in selecting, accessing and using information.

Blending the best practices and principles of libraries past, present and anticipated future, Schultz's concept of Library 4.0 unfolds as "... the library for the aesthetic economy, the dream society, which will need libraries as mind gyms; libraries as idea labs; libraries as art salons. But let’s be clear: Library 4.0 will not replace Libraries 1.0 through 3.0; it will absorb them. The library as aesthetic experience will have space for all the library’s incarnations: storage (archives, treasures); data retrieval (networks—reference rooms); and commentary and annotation (salon). Available as physical places in the library “storefront,” they will also be mobile, as AR overlays we can view (via glasses, contacts, projections) anywhere. ... But Library 4.0 will add a new mode, knowledge spa: meditation, relaxation, immersion in a luxury of ideas and thought. In companies, this may take the form of retreat space for thought leaders, considered an investment in innovation; in public libraries, the luxurious details will require private partners as sponsors providing the sensory treats. Library 4.0 revives the old image of a country house library, and renovates it: from a retreat, a sanctuary, a pampered experience with information—subtle thoughts, fine words, exquisite brandy, smooth coffee, aromatic cigar, smell of leather, rustle of pages—to the dream economy’s library, the LIBRARY: a WiFREE space, a retreat from technohustle, with comfortable chairs, quiet, good light, coffee and single malt. You know, the library."

Here is the URL for the complete article:

Libraries as "mind gyms, idea labs, art salons, knowledge spas"... To my mind, while this vision represents new technologies within new contexts, the role of the librarian/information specialist should remain pivotal in the Library 4.0 world, assuming we continue to hone our skills and expertise as information managers, purveyors of knowledge and ideas and as literary experts. It is my belief and hope that libraries, in their various incarnations, will always serve as forums for ideas, information and community. As such, the human component will always be at the helm.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007: Checking In

I'm just checking in to say that I, along with my fellow district media specialists, have been focused on the back-to-school crunch: teacher workdays, district meetings, school-based meetings since my previous post of August 21 (seems like a month or more ago), and today was the first day of school for students.

I am committed to completing my "things," although the time frame will extend beyond summer. So, I will become an Autumn Web 2.0 learner in addition to a SummerLearner.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Week 6, Thing #14: Technorati

The leading Web 2.0 tool for blog-searching, Technorati currently tracks approximately 62.5 million blogs. If following blogs is your primary interest, then clearly Technorati is the way to go. It appears to be sufficiently user-friendly.

I decided to go ahead and "claim" my SummerLearner 2007 blog with Technorati, thereby creating my profile and officially adding my blog to the site. Here is my profile page:

A brief note about the term "Ping": When a blogger updates her blog, she can click on Ping to alert Technorati to the fact that the blog has been updated.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Week 6, Thing #13: Tagging, Folksonomies, & Technorati makes more sense to me than Rollyo.

I understand the utility of a web-based bookmarking tool for one's favorite web sites. Then the individual can enjoy online access to his/her Favorites from any computer connected to the Internet. In the case of, I found it easier to navigate through the registration and usage procedures (as opposed to Rollyo).

Tagging, using suggested tags or creating your own, is an "open" classification system that allows users to group their favorite sites or blogs under a specific label or topic. Taking this concept a step further into the social realm ... you can access others' Favorites when you search with a particular tag in mind. Over time, you might find that you are consistently accessing, using/sharing sites posted by a particular individual with whom you share a common interest or goal. That name becomes familiar over time, and you come to know the nature of the sites associated with that name. Since provides this sharing/social component within its working format, it is easily described as a "social bookmarking" web site.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Week 5, Thing #12: Roll Your Own Search Tool with Rollyo

Unfortunately, I've had enough of playing with Rollyo. I registered and created a search tool around the topic of "The Big6." There is something I am not getting when it comes time to actually utilize the roll. Is it possible that I am missing a step?

Regardless, it's time to move on. I'm determined to complete this project before the new school year takes over, which is just about to happen.

I will address each thing, some perhaps with scant attention and those that tempt me with more deliberate focus. I want to know that I have at least made some kind of contact with each of the Web 2.0 tools that comprise this summer learning project.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Week 5, Thing #11: Explore a Site from the Web 2.0 Awards List

So much to explore, and never enough time!

I decided to play with the 43 Things web site, since I am so into "things" this summer. This site won first place in the category of "Lists and Polls." Here is the URL:

It is very interesting to explore the goals and concerns of other people, total strangers to us, and discover how much we have in common. While I am not one to initiate social relationships on the web, this site provides a means by which to establish a personal sense of human connection via writing entries about personal experiences and opinions relative to the selected topic/goal. Of course, creating and sharing one's own goal(s) is key to the function of the site. In order to respond to a writer's goal about committing to exercise, I had to create an account. Therefore, I did just that and wrote a brief entry about my commitment to my yoga practice. Here is the entry I wrote in response to a writer's goal to "exercise regularly."

exercise regularly
"Make it Personal — 15 minutes ago
My advice is to choose an exercise that makes you feel good about youself, one that enhances your sense of well-being both emotionally and physically.My chosen physical activity is yoga. I feel that yoga is an asset to my life in every way, and it is definitely a workout. Some fitness experts advise varying physical activities. If, however, committing to a specific one keeps you motivated and committed, in my opinion, that is the best way to go. A final thought … if you’re going to commit to some form of exercise, it would make sense to take a look at your eating habits. Eating natural, and when possible, organic whole foods makes the most sense to me. Every individual must make his or her own decision about eating. Whatever it is, don’t think of it as a diet (something temporary). Like fitness and exercise, if it is going to work for you, it should be a lifestyle choice, one that enhances your quality of life."
Jul 28, 01:22PM PDT

I also briefly explored One Sentence, a site that won second place in the category of "Fun Stuff. Participants tell a personal "story" in one, complete sentence. This is really a special skill. Some writers are quick and funny with their single sentence stories, while others write in a style that is very poetic, very literary. Quite a skill, indeed.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Week 5, Thing #10: Play Week with an Online Image Generator - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Here is my newly created "Web 2.0 Computer Key" using Image Chef. I have just started to play with this web tool and wanted to make an initial post for Thing #10. To be continued ...