Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Week 3, Thing #7: Teacher Tube Continued

Pat commented on my Teacher Tube post dated July 2. In addition to noting that Teacher Tube really looks like fun, she expressed her frustration at our inability to access Google Video and You Tube in our schools. Click on "2 comments" on the 7/2 post to see Pat's complete comment and my response to it.

Following is a sample video from Teacher Tube. I decided to embed it for the fun of it. Click on the video to start it. If you want to stop it, click on the video again. Mrs. Burke, math teacher, has made something of a name for herself with her math raps! I've included a few additional videos and their URL's after the embedded video. You will probably want to explore Teacher Tube on your own by typing in search terms and viewing the various results.

Mrs. Burke's Probability Rap

Here are a few additional Teacher Tube video titles and their links:

Internet Safety

Think Before You Post

Brain Teaser #1

Welcome to the Media Center

Street Cred: Vocabulary Song

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Great Teacher Tube recommendations! Help make teachers (and teacher-librarians) super stars beyond their schools!

Hope you are enjoying summer 2.0 fun.
- Jackie
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager