Saturday, July 28, 2007

Week 5, Thing #11: Explore a Site from the Web 2.0 Awards List

So much to explore, and never enough time!

I decided to play with the 43 Things web site, since I am so into "things" this summer. This site won first place in the category of "Lists and Polls." Here is the URL:

It is very interesting to explore the goals and concerns of other people, total strangers to us, and discover how much we have in common. While I am not one to initiate social relationships on the web, this site provides a means by which to establish a personal sense of human connection via writing entries about personal experiences and opinions relative to the selected topic/goal. Of course, creating and sharing one's own goal(s) is key to the function of the site. In order to respond to a writer's goal about committing to exercise, I had to create an account. Therefore, I did just that and wrote a brief entry about my commitment to my yoga practice. Here is the entry I wrote in response to a writer's goal to "exercise regularly."

exercise regularly
"Make it Personal — 15 minutes ago
My advice is to choose an exercise that makes you feel good about youself, one that enhances your sense of well-being both emotionally and physically.My chosen physical activity is yoga. I feel that yoga is an asset to my life in every way, and it is definitely a workout. Some fitness experts advise varying physical activities. If, however, committing to a specific one keeps you motivated and committed, in my opinion, that is the best way to go. A final thought … if you’re going to commit to some form of exercise, it would make sense to take a look at your eating habits. Eating natural, and when possible, organic whole foods makes the most sense to me. Every individual must make his or her own decision about eating. Whatever it is, don’t think of it as a diet (something temporary). Like fitness and exercise, if it is going to work for you, it should be a lifestyle choice, one that enhances your quality of life."
Jul 28, 01:22PM PDT

I also briefly explored One Sentence, a site that won second place in the category of "Fun Stuff. Participants tell a personal "story" in one, complete sentence. This is really a special skill. Some writers are quick and funny with their single sentence stories, while others write in a style that is very poetic, very literary. Quite a skill, indeed.

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Yes, exercise regularly and get up from the computer from time to time! I'd add: get outside and smell the season, listen to the birds, and take a deep breath.

Best wishes.
- JackieS
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager